- History of PAK KUMIS -

PAK KUMIS was born in JAKARTA - 1936, where is the capital city of INDONESIA.
After second war he went to CHINA for his new living & family life.
In order to give better life for his family he came to HONG KONG in 1979 & started his entrepreneurship development. At first he opended the noodle & congee shop nearby the primary school but unfortunately this shop was closed down after 2 years due to improper budget control.
He had then returned to worker in such as way to support his family. However, after his retired from the company in 1996 he started again his business to open the HOMEMADE INDONESIAN FOODS shop which was developed properly & well known among the indonesian maid in YUEN LONG CITY. This HOMEMADE INDONESIAN FOODS are authentic tasty & delicious specially with different of Jakarta & Surabaya characteristic.